This 1934 Columbia River One Design (CROD) 28' sloop is one of just 12 built. The stories of people who designed, built, owned and loved this boat, Aeolus, and the 11 other CRODs, fill many pages of this site.

In addition, there are compelling human interest stories related to historic vehicles and artifacts to be found:

One Boat, One Gal. Where Did 50 Years Go?

The Avenue of the 27th of August, 1944

94-Year-Old Original Owner Sees His Restored 1957 Yellow Jacket Boat

Travelstead Auto Supply: An Auto Service Time Capsule

My Little Austin Seven

Meet Virta Warrens, Bantam Dealer, 1939

The Three-Cent Stamp, "Win the War"

Welcome to History with Heart

"History with Heart" isn't a regular antique and classic boat site. It is rather a site about the people and memories surrounding antique and classic boats. There are even a few stories about cars, and other stories that have nothing to do with boats or cars, but everything to do with people. When you get right down to it, it's the people, and their memories, that really count.

Read "Why Old Stuff is Important", an interview with Dr. Luis Martin.

We've been involved in old boats since we bought our Cowell outboard in 1969, so you'll find some memories of our own on this site. But beyond our lifetimes lie volumes of other stories, other memories, just as relevant and meaningful as our own. These stories are related to the very boats or objects we can see, touch (and some cases sail!) today. The boats can't speak for themselves. But if they could, they'd tell the stories recorded on this site.

Our work with Yellow Jacket and Willis Boats, both Texas-built wooden power boats, is being done in conjunction with the Wooden Boat Association of North Texas, so you'll see links to their site. Likewise, the Austin Bantam Society shares some of its recorded history here.

We were once advised by an accomplished antique car collector, "We are not really owners of these cars. We are caretakers." Many of the boats we talk about on this site, especially the CRODs, have outlived their original caretakers. But their memories, and the memories of their successors, are safeguarded here.

Enjoy the history. And the heart.